Victoria Tham

2023-04-17 17:03:56 48

Words can’t describe how much I enjoyed my dinner here! Everything was presented so beautifully and thoughtfully, the service was great and very swift— my plate never went empty for even a minute!

All the courses served were super enjoyable, and had a nice balance of fresher bites and more hearty rich flavours. Even the richer dishes had little touches of herbs to balance out the heaviness which I loved! Highlights for me were the pho rolls, spring rolls and fried rice though I think it might have something to do with their resemblance to some of my comfort foods. The smaller fresh bites were so welcome and really added nice breaks in between the more heavy dishes which I really appreciated.

100% would recommend this place to any vegetarian (or even non-vegetarian!). Absolutely worth the money.
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Cồ Đàm - Review Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Cồ Đàm Chay
Cồ Đàm

Sản phẩm Review: Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Cồ Đàm Chay

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