Annie Fung

2023-03-28 07:22:12 47

One of my favorite meals during my Hanoi trip. After reading the reviews, we decided to take a cab ride out of the old quarter to come here (and to see a different neighborhood of Hanoi). Between the two of us, we got the Banana Salad, which had an interesting crunchy texture, stuffed squid (so yummy) and the sea bass (liked the passion fruit sauce). We weren't that hungry that day so couldn't try the banana cake dessert. The restaurant is small and quaint. We had a good experience overall despite the tables being a bit too small.
Review sản phẩm
Chào Bạn - Review Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Nhà hàng Chào Bạn
Chào Bạn - Vietnamese restaurant

Sản phẩm Review: Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Nhà hàng Chào Bạn

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