
2023-01-27 12:15:26 45

Beautiful coffee shop. Handsome owner/barista with good English. I felt like in back in Europe somehow. Its peaceful and the upstairs area would be a perfect place to sit and work on the laptop for a few hours. I ordered a cinammon orange tea (it was nice, could've been hotter, though) and it came with an iced green tea and small pot of hot green tea which was far more delicious than the actual drink I'd payed for! Tasted like genmaicha. Anyway... If you're looking for a quiet spot to work and chill, this is it! 😊 Just bear in mind they don't serve any food.
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Vuông Tròn Cafe - Review Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Vuông Tròn Cafe
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Sản phẩm Review: Trải nghiệm dịch vụ tại Vuông Tròn Cafe

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